
A couple of quick announcements:
  1. As of this morning, I'm out of town for a surgical meeting for a few days. I'll probably keep posting, but not as regularly as usual. Also, I have no idea whether or not I'll have time to write anything that long. As always when I go to a meeting, it depends upon whether or not I'm bored when the meeting isn't actually going on.

  2. Mainly because I'm going to be away for a few days, Seed Magazine and I have agreed that it's best that my blog not be moved over to ScienceBlogs this week. Consequently, I plan on officially moving Respectful Insolence over to ScienceBlogs on the morning of Monday, February 13. My first article on the new blog will be posted then, and an announcement will be posted here with the new URL. Get ready to update your bookmarks and blogrolls.
I'm looking forward to this move and the opportunity it provides. I hope you'll all follow me over there next week.


  1. Congrats on the move! I like Seed, and I like what they do with the blog thing.


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